Underneath is the table of contents of the book, which should give you a good idea of what you can expect. Certain aspects of the book you can not find in the table of contents; for example that the chapter Health and happiness is to a large degree about behavioral medicine - or as it is called now, Psychoneuroimmunology - and how positivity affects our mental and physical health.
Happiness Discovered shows that positivity and success go hand in hand, a combination that clearly enhances the individual's happiness potential.
Moreover, Happiness Discovered demonstrates that happiness can be learned by everybody, without exception.
A brief and incomplete history of happiness research
Definitions of happiness
Biology of happiness
The brain, creator of happiness / Thoughts / Diet / Exercise / Environment / Physiology
Philosophy of happiness
Hedonism / Desire Theory / Objective List Theory / Authentic Happiness / Ethics
Psychology of happiness
Is happiness our birthright? / What is happiness? / Why happiness is important
Obstacles to happiness
What prevents us from the pursuit of happiness? / Anger / Fear / Guilt / Excuses / Declining happiness in families / Materialism and Consumerism / Drug consumption / Paradox of autonomy, freedom and choice / Skeptics and happiness / Law of attraction
Happiness creation
Common perception of happiness / What makes people happy? Why happiness? / Are you happy? / Circle of happiness
Happy people
Happiness triggers / Happiness boosters / Education / Meaningful work or activity / Work and productivity / Social activity / Sex / Romantic love / Gender / Children / Wealth and financial security / Can everybody be happy?
Health and happiness
Personality and happiness
Happiness sources
Religion and Spirituality
Feelings and emotions
Happiness, a favorable balance of emotions / Concepts, reality and feelings / Needs and wants / Maslow's Pyramid of Needs
How to get what you want / Five positive psychological exercises / Find out what you want / Be self-confident / Be prepared to change / Be active and keep busy / Socialize / Plan and organize ahead / Stop worrying / Eliminate negative thoughts / Emphasize the positive and be an optimist / Live in the present / Be true to yourself
Plan your happiness
Plan of action / No need to win them all / Harmonize your goals / Turn off the TV / Accept yourself / Make others feel important / When in doubt guess positive / Aim for consent / Old age, so what? Pay attention, you may have what you want / Be true to your word / The dangers of “what if” / It's not the event / Enjoy what you have / Be precise in your thoughts / Who is to blame? / Make your work enjoyable / Sleep well / Achieve a goal every day / Adapt / Be positive, be an optimist / Events are temporary / The world is not its media picture / Society and happiness / The choice is yours / Have fun / Be guided by your conscience / How do you know that you are progressing toward happiness
Plan your life
What do you want? / Have purpose / Know what makes you happy and what makes you sad / Goal setting / What are the benefits of not achieving your goal? / How can you get this benefit by achieving the goal? / Strategy / Tactic / Don't let others set your goal / How will you know when you have achieved your goal? Your goals are your priority / How you can motivate yourself
The best part of your life is yet to come
Practice happiness / Positive thinking and happiness / Laughter / Humor and happiness
Gross National Happiness (GNH)
Can governments contribute to happiness?
Provide welfare and social security / Provide political and personal freedom / Solve the drug problem / War on terrorism / Happy Planet Index
Daily exercises of the mind
Affirmations / Visualizations / Automatic negative thoughts / Reframing, meaning making, meaning changing
Acceptance / Realize your potential / Behavioral changes / Think yourself happy / Your plan of action
On Reflection
About the author and this book
Happiness Discovered by Udo Stadtsbuchler
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