Monday, January 2, 2012


I have just tested a product that I am sure to like a lot in future. It is called Camtica and it will allow me to produce professional screen recordings, presentations, tutorials and a lot more ... some of it I have not yet tested. I can record any desktop activity with voice and webcam, and the resulting video I can save in various formats, such as AVI and WMV.
If you are interested in it check it out at
<a href="">Screen Recorder Software</a>

One of the reasons why I was interested in a product of this kind is that I am preparing material for a BlogTalkRadio show. I think I have found the ideal software to record everything that I produce and create CDs and DVDs with it. Some of them will become free downloads from my website, but others I will commercialize.

Watch this space.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


                                                  HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS

Success is to get what you want. Happiness is to want what you get. Dale Carnegie

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweitzer

How do you feel about these statements? I think Carnegie is actually quite accurate. However, is it really so simple? Or is there more to it? Think about it.

Albert Schweitzer’s saying on the other hand is debateable. In my work I have met many people who really enjoyed what they were doing and could not wish for anything that suited them more. But they were not successful and struggled to make ends meet. However, some of them were quite happy even though they were not successful; others said that they needed the ever elusive success to be happy. Schweitzer suggests that in order to be successful one needs to be happy. Wrong again; I have met numerous individuals who were very successful in many facets of their life, but they were desperately unhappy for a variety of reasons.

Schweitzer simplifies the happiness – success correlation, and it is not that simple. Surely there is a correlation between happiness and success. But before we go into it, let us first look at the following five reasons most happy individuals gave as their source of happiness.  

Meaningful romantic relationship / Excellent family life

Successful social life


Financial security

Purposeful work or activity

Typically happy individuals enjoy a very active and successful social life. They have warm and close relationships with friends, acquaintances and family members, and very often they are in a satisfying love relationship.

Happy people seem to be more successful at work or in their business. Typically they have higher income, higher social and occupational status, and they have the skilful and competent personality that allows them to achieve their goals easily.

Happy people are full of energy and vitality, full of life and enthusiasm for life, and they tend to live longer and healthier lives.

Therefore, yes there is a correlation between happiness and success, which may lead us to believe that happiness is a prerequisite for success. However, it is not a prerequisite, but only greatly assists in your pursuit of success.

This, of course, leads to the conclusion that also unhappy people can become successful. They may find it somewhat more difficult than a happy person, but they can do it. The added benefit could be that this success will lead them to happiness. I saw it happen, and have indeed guided many people to both success and subsequent happiness.


I always say that there are three groups of people: those who make things happen, those who let things happen, and thirdly the group that wonders what’s happening. To turn unhappy and unsuccessful people into happy and successful ones, they need to belong to the first group. They need to set goals, and they need to be self-confident, certain in their belief that they can achieve their goals and that they can make ‘it’ happen.

Typically unhappy and unsuccessful persons are incapable of setting goals; well, they may be able to set them, but they cannot achieve them. They are also not confident and lack belief in themselves. Typically they have developed a negative outlook on life, they are pessimists, and they have not found meaning, importance and significance in their life. This needs to be changed.

They need to change the way they think in order to change their life.

This is easier said than done; but it is doable.

The most important requirement to change the way you think is your self-confidence. As I said above, self-confidence is the key to your self-belief and that you can make things happen. Once you have boosted your confidence to the utmost limit, things are going to get much easier.

 The second step is to change your thinking habits. Research shows that usually we think an average of 60’000 to 80’000 independent thoughts every day. This seems to be quite a large number, but you will be quite disappointed to hear that most of these thoughts you have thought already yesterday and every day before yesterday, and most certainly will think again tomorrow and every day thereafter. All of a sudden the large number of 60’000 to 80’000 is no longer so significant. The way you think guides your actions; because of your constantly repeated pattern of thoughts your actions become quite predictable. Unfortunately this is a great recipe for getting stuck in a rut, repeating your actions and reactions over and over again and not moving on to greater and better things.

 You want to think creatively. You want to increase your capacity of programmed thinking as well as lateral thinking. Programmed thinking relies on logical and structured ways to create new products, or new services. Lateral thinking recognizes that our brains are pattern recognition systems. Unfortunately we get stuck in our patterns; we tend to think within them.  Solutions to problems, new strategies are based on previous solutions, previous strategies. It does not occur to us to find solutions that belong to different patterns.

We use lateral thinking techniques to break out of this patterned way of thinking. And we will find brilliant, startling and original solutions to problems and we learn to see opportunities. Lateral thinking can generate completely new concepts and ideas, or brilliant improvements to existing systems.

Logical, disciplined thinking comes into it to make the new ideas or concepts work.

 Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception. If you see yourself as being creative you give yourself the freedom to create. If you see yourself as being an uncreative person, you don’t even think about creativity, and you don’t give yourself the opportunity to create something new.

Once you think creatively you will find it quite easy to change the meaning of experiences you have or of the events in your life. Whereas before a negative experience or event was an obstacle for you and you reacted with pessimism, you can now change the meaning of this experience or event and turn it into a challenge, an opportunity with a positive outcome.

 There is no question in my mind that these new ways of thinking can and will greatly contribute to your success. They can and will also greatly contribute to your potential for happiness.

Copyright 2011 Udo Stadtsbcuhler 

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Posts and Links

06. December 2010 Happiness Page
29.November 2010  Personal Matters
16.November 2010  Happiness Page
16.November 2010  Personal Matters
25.October 2010      Personal Matters
25.October 2010      Happiness Discovered, the book
22.October 2010      New link

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Please note that the following posts from beginning of August 2010 are the last ones on the Home page. From now you will find all posts on pages with their respective headings.
Older posts you will find in Archives.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Powerful Communication / Personal Matters 2

First of all welcome, Mehul, to the still small band of followers of my blog; I hope you enjoy being here and I hope that you find my posts interesting, and perhaps even stimulating. I'd welcome your as well as all followers comments, be they positive or negative.
It's now just about a week when I wrote my last post. After I had been to the hospital to get the test results evaluated, I was attacked by some kind of virus. The virus won and I felt rather ill for a few days. Now I am getting better, but I had passed on the virus to my wife who is now feeling quite ill.
Well, the test results were partly disappointing for me and to another part encouraging. Of course I didn't get what I hoped for, which had been quite unrealistic. But I didn't get what I was certain to get either. Bad news is that the count for the tumor markers is up by about  50%. Another bad news is that I have to undergo another biopsy, and I really don't look forward to it. The reason for this second biopsy is that the test result was inconclusive in some way, which I see as good news. It means that I have an ever so tiny chance to still win. Therefore my battle continues; I  increase my work using the power of my thoughts and the power of my mind as well as powerful communcation. I still intend to win.

This leads me nicely to Powerful Communication. In the last paragraph I gave you a few bad news and a few good ones. If I counted correctly there are 6 bad and 8 good news. When reading the message what kind of feeling do you have; is the message negative or positive? I use the word feeling intentionally. I am not saying that you should weigh the pros and cons in this message using logic and reason. If you did you would have to say that this message is rather bad. By using your feelings without using your cognitive abilities you would say that the message is overwhelmingly positive. What makes me assume this?

Firstly, I have placed the bad news to the beginning of the message and the good news to the end. The end, the last words, have the greatest impact.
Secondly, I used italics for the bad news, and bold for the good news. Bold overpowers italics. In verbal communication it means that I over-emphasize the good news and use appropriate tonality, body language and facial expression. The bad news I deliver without any emphasis.
Thirdly, I put emphasis on power of thought, mind and communication. But some cynics using their logic might say that this is exactly what I used before and it didn't help then either.
That's the difference between using intellect and using feelings.

Luckily, however, we respond to our feelings rather than to our intellect. We hear what we want to hear, we see what we want to see, we feel what we want to feel.
Knowing this puts us in a most powerful position. We can now use our intellect to use the feelings that we want to have, which are most useful for us, empower us and put us in a resourceful state of mind.

Happiness Discovered by Udo Stadtsbuchler

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Powerful Communcation / Personal Matters

Before I expand on Powerful Communcation I will put it in context with my own current challenge.
Just for those of you who are only recent followers of my blog: I was diagnosed with  neoplasm that had invaded my system. You can read more about it in older posts. Just to make it easier for you,  neoplasm means cancer. . This coming Wednesday, 25th August, I will see the oncologist to learn what my latest test results reveal. When I last saw him he advised to do nothing but wait and that on the 25th we will see what course of action should be taken (chemo or radiotherapy, operation). However I  resolved to deal with this challenge using diet, natural supplements and the powers of my mind and thoughts and not go the invasive medical route.
I am a great advocate of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), previously known as behavioral medicine, that explores the mind - body connection and how we can use the knowledge of it to help our body to heal, to maintain or to improve health. One of the many examples that show the efficacy of PNI is our immune system, which is highly influenced by our feelings. When we experience stress, ill feelings of any kind or negativity, our immune system experiences a low and is open to be attacked by foreign invaders (i.e. viruses)When we are free of stress, are positive and are feeling good about ourselves our immune system expereieces a boost. I don't want to go into more detail. I have dedicated a whole chapter of Happiness Discovered to PNI.
I use the right words to create the right feelings that enable me to face up to the challenge I have on my hands. Therefore I talk about neoplasm rather than cancer. If I told someone I had cancer they would be shocked. If I told them I have a neoplasm most of them wouldn't know what it is. Then I'd explain in words that are not shocking what a neoplasm is. If I shock people, they would project their shock to me and my system will be affeted by it. When people ask me about my cancer I always reject ownership of it. It's not mine; on the contrary I'll gladly be rid of it. When I use mind work to deal with this challenge - which I regularly do 3 times a day in a very focused way - I do not shy away from a negative outcome, I go toward a positive one. I.e. I am not going to succumb to my illness is a terrible formulation that makes me feel ill just thinking about it; I deal with this challenge accurately and positively; I am winning is so much better.
I said so before, I am a very happy person. My wife and I have great fun together, there is lots of laughter in our home and lots of love. We both are happy and we both know that I am winning.
The day after tomorrow I'll see the oncologist and I am really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to hear by how much my condition has improved.
I'll let you know.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Powerful Communication / Words 2

When choosing the right words or word assemblages you obviously want to choose those that fit best what you want to gain. For example if you want to feel wonderful it's not good enough to tell yourself that you feel pretty good. Be as precise as you possibly can be.
Moving away from something negative demotivates, moving toward a positive motivates. Telling yourself that you don't want to fall ill is not the same as telling yourself that you stay healthy. The one produces a different energy in you then the other.
You may have realized that I phrased the above in the present time, even though you may not expect some change to happen right now. I did this on purpose. What good does it do when you say I will be feeling wonderful or I will stay healthy? It puts what you want to gain somewhere into the future. You can repeat what you say ten times a day for every following day and nothing will change, because you always put it into the future.
There is much more about it in Happiness Discovered.
Until soon.
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