If you decide to use your mind power - and I urge you to do so - then do it wholeheartedly; don't hold back and believe in yourself. It most certainly does not mean that you should forgo everything else, such as medical care, diet and perhaps change of life style. It also does not mean that you should "hedge your bets" and do what somebody, whose name escapes me now, suggests in Cervan-Schreiber's Anti Cancer, which is to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Maybe there are some who feel more comfortable to do so. However, I am absolutely opposed to it. Hope is good, but not good enough if you just hope that something will change out of the blue and without any input on your part. To hope and still prepare for the worst means sabotaging the positive effect that your mind power can have on the illness that had you befallen. Hoping that something will change, wishing it and desiring it with all your heart are not changing anything.
You need to take action and combine whatever tools you have at your disposal: medicine, diet, life style, exercises and, last but most certainly not least, the power of your mind.
I for one do it all, and I am about 6 weeks away from letting you know by how much my health has improved over the past 6 months.
If you want to comment on my thoughts, feel free to do so.
If you want to ask me anything that you don't want to ask publicly, send me an email to stadtsbuchler@telefonica.net I am known to answer all my emails.
Download it in PDF at U.S. $19.50 go to http://happinessdiscovered.110mb.com/
Buy the book at U.S. $ 29.50 from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1451578784
or from Create Space at U.S. $29.50: https://www.createspace.com/3443453
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